
This page is a test page to display which of the formulas are/will be supported by this app.

Formulas taken from Available functions in the Formula Column on April 13, 2024.

Test # Formula Description Input Expected Output Actual output
1 CONCATENATE This operator concatenate text values into a single text value CONCATENATE("I","love","")
2 LEFT Extracts a given number of characters from the left side. LEFT("", 3) mon mon
3 LEN Returns the amount of characters of a given text string. LEN("hello") 5 5
4 LOWER Converts a specified string to lowercase LOWER("Some STRING") some string some string
5 REPLACE Replaces a part of a string with the new string. REPLACE("Goat",1, 2,"Fi") Fiat Fiat
6 REPT Repeats a string a given number of times. REPT("monday",3) mondaymondaymonday mondaymondaymonday
7 RIGHT Extracts a number of characters from the right side of a given text string. RIGHT("monday", 3) day day
8 SEARCH Searches a string within another string. SEARCH("fox", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", 2) 17 17
9 SEARCH Searches a string within another string. SEARCH("lazy", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", 10) 36 36
10 SEARCH Searches a string within another string SEARCH("brown", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", 2) 11 11
11 SEARCH Searches a string within another string IF(SEARCH("love", "I love monday", 1) > 0, "Exist", "Not") Exist Exist
12 SUBSTITUTE Replace text in a given text string by matching. SUBSTITUTE("goodmorning", "morning", "night") goodnight goodnight
13 TEXT Formats the given value based on the given text format TEXT(8500.6,"$#,##0.00") $8,500.60 $8,500.60
14 TEXT Formats the given value based on the given text format TEXT(0.775,"0.0%") 77.5% 77.5%
15 TRIM Removes all spaces from a string except for single spaces between words. TRIM(" I love MDY ") I love MDY I love MDY
16 UPPER Convert a specified string to uppercase UPPER("") MONDAY.COM MONDAY.COM
17 AND Checks if all the given logical conditions are true and if so returns true AND(3>1, 4>2) true true
18 EXACT Compares two values, returns true if they are the same and false if they are different. EXACT("xx","xx") true true
19 IF Checks if a condition is met. If so, returns the first value, otherwise returns the other IF("400">100, "big deal","small deal") big deal big deal
20 OR Returns true if any one of the argument is true OR(3 >10, 4>2) true true
21 XOR Returns a logical exclusive Or of all the arguments XOR(3>0, 2>9) true true
22 SWITCH Checks if a condition on a specific value is met, if so, returns the result of that value, o/w returns the default result (if exists). The pattern is: SWITCH({Column}, "val1", "result1", ["val2", "result2"], ..., ["default"]) SWITCH("Medium", "High", 3, "Medium", 2, "Low", 1, 0) 2 2
23 ABS Returns the absolute value of a given number ABS(-1) 1 1
24 AVERAGE Returns the average of the given numbers AVERAGE(1,2,3) 2 2
25 DIVIDE One number divided by another DIVIDE(10,5) 2 2
26 COUNT Counts the number of numerical items. COUNT(1, 2, "a") 2 2
27 LOG Gets the logarithm of a number LOG (16,2) 4 4
28 MAX Returns the largest value from a set of data MAX(1,3,5,9) 9 9
29 MIN Returns the smallest value from a set of data MIN(1,3,5,9) 1 1
30 MINUS Difference of two numbers MINUS(5,3) 2 2
31 MULTIPLY Product of two numbers MULTIPLY(5,2) 10 10
32 MOD Returns the remainder of the division of the given number in the divisor MOD(10,3) 1 1
33 ROUND Rounds a number to a specific number of digits ROUND(1.123456, 2) 1.12 1.12
34 ROUNDUP Always rounds a number up ROUNDUP(1.1,0) 2 2
35 ROUNDDOWN Always rounds a number down ROUNDDOWN(1.1,0) 1 1
36 SQRT Positive square root of a positive number SQRT(9) 3 3
37 SUM Sums up all the given numbers SUM(2,3,8) 13 13
38 POWER A number raised to a power POWER(2,3) 8 8
39 ADD_DAYS Adds days to the given date. Returns the new date. ADD_DAYS("2019-01-20", 5) 2019-01-25 2019-01-25
40 DATE Returns the value for the given parameters DATE(2018,5,30) Wed May 30 2018 Wed May 30 2018 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
41 DATE Returns the value for the given parameters DATE() Thu Mar 13 2025 18:06:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) Thu Mar 13 2025 18:06:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
42 DAY Returns the day of the month of a given date. DAY("2024-12-31") 31 31
43 DAYS Returns the number of days between the two dates DAYS("2024-12-31", "2023-12-31") 366 366
44 FORMAT_DATE Returns a formatted date FORMAT_DATE("2020-02-16") Feb 16, 2020 FORMAT_DATE is not defined
45 HOUR Returns the hour as a number from 0 (12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11:00 P.M.). HOUR("2024-12-31 23:00:01") 23 23
46 HOURS_DIFF Returns the difference between two hours columns HOURS_DIFF("23:00", "20:00") 03:00 03:00
47 WORKDAYS Returns the number of working days between the two dates WORKDAYS({TO_DATE}, {FROM_DATE}) working days between dates in days WORKDAYS is not defined
48 MINUTE Returns the minute as a number from 0 to 59. MINUTE("2024-01-01 00:01:00") 1 1
49 MONTH Returns the month of a given date. MONTH("2024-12-31") 12 12
50 SECOND Returns the second as a number from 0 to 59. SECOND("2024-01-01 00:01:59") 59 59
51 SUBTRACT_DAYS Subtract days from the given date. Returns the new date. SUBTRACT_DAYS("2019-01-20", 5) 2019-01-15 2019-01-15
52 TODAY Gets the current date TODAY() Thu Mar 13 2025 18:06:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) Thu Mar 13 2025 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
53 WEEKNUM Returns the yearly week number of a given date. WEEKNUM("2024-03-31") 14 14
54 ISOWEEKNUM Returns the yearly week number of a given date according to ISO standards. ISOWEEKNUM("2024-03-31") 13 13
55 YEAR Returns the year of a given date. YEAR("2024-03-31") 2024 2024
56 PI PI value (3.14159) PI() 3.14159 3.141592653589793
57 TRUE Logical true value IF(3>5 = TRUE, "a","b") b Invalid left-hand side in assignment
58 FALSE Logical false value IF(3>5 = FALSE, "a", "b") a Invalid left-hand side in assignment